Local information

This page is dedicated to useful information, from which useful content collected by us can be downloaded in order to provide our guests with information, advice and suggestions always at hand to enjoy the surrounding area to the fullest.

We have given primary importance to places centred around Padova without omitting the numerous other interesting cities, towns, and areas in the Veneto that are within easy reach.

Padova and the surrounding area

Have you ever visited the
cultural and artistic sites of Padova?

Discover the tastes and
flavours of Paduan cuisine.

Discover amazing
artworks from the 1300s

Find out how you can
entertain the whole family

Visit the oldest botanical gardenin
the world and discover other natural wonders

Do you like sport and
outdoor activities?

A little bit further

Do you want a perfect
tour of Venice?

Are you familiar with the
city of Romeo and Juliet?

Are you interested in the
intriguing creations by Palladio?

Discover antique thermal springs and taste delicious wines from silent volcanoes around Padova.

Visit the fascinating and antique
medieval towns north of Padova.

Enjoy the pleasure of walking through the streets of some of Italy’s most gorgeous towns.